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1.Provide fiber connection from 12cores to144cores.
2.Using 4、8、12、24cores of MPO connectors, reduce the failure and reduce wiring space.
3.Upgrade from 10G to 40G、100G network transmission, and support the transmission of 100G delay index.
4.According to user’s configuration requirement, Can choose multimode fiber(OM 3、OM 4) and single mode fiber (G652D、G657A 2) and other fiber type.
5.Using circle、small diameter fiber cable to realize smaller bending radius, and make storage and laying convenient and fast.
6.The protect tube of the dust-proof、pressure-resistant、tension-resistant can effective protect fiber cable and connectors from damaging during transportation and installation.
1. 2 subcable flame-retardant jacket.
2. Excellent Stripping performance of tight buffer fiber.
3. Suited to SM fiber and MM fiber (50 μm and 62.5μm).
1.Special low-bend sensitivity fiber provides high bandwidth and excellent communication transmission property.
2.Two parallel strength members ensure good performance of crush resistance to protect the fiber.
3.Simple structure,light weight and high practicability.
4.Novel flute design, easily strip and splice, simplify the installation and maintenance.
5.Single steel wire as the additional strength member ensures good performance of tensile strength.
1.It can be installed without shutting off the power.
2.Light weight and small diameter reducing the load caused by ice and wind and the load.
3.Good performance of tensile strength and temperature performance.
1.Special low-bend sensitivity fiber provides high bandwidth and excellent communication transmission property
2.Suitable for the connection of indoor between outdoor.
Simplex cable,2-12 simplex cable are stranded around the metallic central strength member, arrange circuit according to clockwise order in turn, then used wrap winding, the APL is longitudinal covering, the cable is completed with outer sheath.